The association

LILOK is the first laboratory & living-lab in France dedicated to pediatric innovations.  

LILOK is an ecosystem to boost innovations:

For the research to be in line with the users’ needs:

Creation of new links between the civil society, patient associations, liberal health professionals and health institutions, research laboratories and innovative companies

For the support of innovative prototypes:

Support to the co-development of innovative protypes for the health of children, teenagers and young people through co-creative methods

For the evaluation of innovations:

Setting up of clinical trials and scientific evaluations in collaboration with primary care, local authorities and health institutions

LILOK is a network of experts in health innovations for the benefit of children:

For brainstorming :

A place of conferences, meetings & workshops to brainstorm with researchers, companies, students, health professionals, parents, users, etc.

For the international outreach :

Organization of symposiums on children’s health

For trainings :

For the benefit of health professionals, relatives, children, etc.

Created in June 2022, LILOK is an association dedicated to detect, support, accompany and promote health innovations for the benefit of children, teenagers and young people

LILOK’s main thematics :


Prénatal, balanced diet, physical activity, sexual health, addictive practice, violence and abuse

Mental health

Psychosocial skills, conflictual relationships, handicap, stigma and discrimination, onset of disorders & diagnosis, evolution of the illness

Care and therapy

Research, therapies, health products, health and care pathways, innovation in care


A healthy environment is essential for children’s good health. Risks linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution, exposure to toxic products and endocrine disruptors are all factors that greatly affect children’s health. This theme is cross-cutting and applies to all LILOK themes.